Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

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F Fri

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S Sun

2 events,

Important Notice for Crowd Photography & Filming for Brigid, Spirit of Kildare Events

Unravelling an Icon, Celebrating and Remembering Brigid and her Legacy

4 events,

Brigid 1500 – Film Season, Herself

6 events,

”Brigid in Europe” A three-day intercultural festival between Ireland and Italy

Hill of Allen: 


Pilgrimage on St. Brigid Eve

17 events,

Ecumenical service in St. Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare. This will be streamed live below.

‘Inextinguishable’ by Greg Hallahan Celebrating Brigid 1500


Unveiling of ‘A New Dress for St Brigid’ Sculpture


Cross Weaving Workshops


Create your own Brat Bríde!

10 events,


Dance the dance of God’s own blessed Bríd

Brigid Reawakened

9 events,


Brigid Reawakened


Revisiting the Customs and Traditions associated with St. Brigid

Ceol, Croí agus Bríd, Curragh Racecourse

10 events,


The Making of a Modern Book of Kildare

Luxe Landscape Theatre, Kildare Town

8 events,

Pedal Party Parade

5 events,

Brigid 1500 – Film Season, Rósie And Frank

5 events,


Saint Brigid: Woman of boundless Heart, Faith, Courage, and Love

5 events,

St. Brigid’s cross making workshop for adults

4 events,


Meditative Walk

4 events,


Justice and Peace Conference: The Light of Peace

4 events,

Brigid 1500 – Film Season, Song Of The Sea

3 events,

3 events,

3 events,

Brigid 1500 – Film Season, Girl

2 events,

3 events,

Brigid 1500 – Film Season, La Syndicaliste