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Important Notice for Crowd Photography & Filming for Brigid, Spirit of Kildare Events

Please note that photography/filming will be taking place at each of the Brigid, Spirit of Kildare events for promotional and archival purposes. The photographs and recordings taken are likely to be used for promotional use and will appear on our website.

If you would prefer not to be photographed, please let the photographer or videographer know on the day.

If you have any queries about data protection, please contact [email protected].

Unravelling an Icon, Celebrating and Remembering Brigid and her Legacy

4pmKildare Town will transform into an open air art gallery, when more than 20 local businesses will exhibit 60 works of international and national art in their windows as part of the Brigid 1500 celebrations in the new year. This uniquely accessible art exhibition titled “Unravelling an Icon, Celebrating and Remembering Brigid and her Legacy,” was organised by Sult Artist-led Collective based in Kildare, to reflect the traditions, customs and symbols associated with Brigid’s legacy, to mark the 1500th anniversary of the death of Brigid in February 2024.The exhibition will include paintings, ceramics, photography, film, sculpture, animation, printmaking, stitching, felting, weaving, digital art, stained glass, drawing, embroidery, mosaic, mixed media, batik and textile works.The exhibition art trail, “Unravelling an Icon, Celebrating and Remembering Brigid and her Legacy,” will be accompanied by a high-quality, limited-edition catalogue of the selected artworks and this will be available during the celebrations to mark Brigid’s anniversary. In addition, the local children from Ballyshannon National School and Kildare Town Educate Together are currently working with Sult Artist, Liza Kavanagh, on their interpretation of Brigid and their work will be displayed on a monitor in Southwells in Kildare Town Group: Sult Location: Kildare Town Additional Information: Louise Cassidy 086 383 5727 / [email protected] , Claire Keane 087 121 4140 / [email protected]

”Brigid in Europe” A three-day intercultural festival between Ireland and Italy

Brigid's Eve, January 31st Venue: Church of San Martino a Mensola, Florence, Tuscany. With Dr. Niamh Wycherley, Dara Molloy and Grace Wells and music from Irish and Italian artists. Location: Church of San Martino a Mensola, Florence, Tuscany, Italy Brigid's Day - Santa Brigida, Pontassieve, Florence, Tuscany, February 1st. 1pm A Pause for Peace A tree planting ceremony which will  involve the community of Santa Brigida and the students of the Liceo dei Colli ( secondary school). An open air evening event to rekindle Brigid's fire, a candlelit walk with the participation of Irish and Italian scholars, musicians and poets. Location: Santa Brigida, Pontassieve, Florence, Tuscany Brigid's public holiday, 5th February - a pause at Brigid's well, Kildare on route to Kilbride, Newport, Co. Mayo,  February 5 . Time : 12 noon a community event involving poets, Ger Reidy and Joan Newmann, students from Newport national school, musicians, environmentalists with the participation of Tuscan scholars, poets and musicians. Group: Hearthland Creatives Additional Information: For further information please email [email protected]

Ecumenical service in St. Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare. This will be streamed live below.

Ecumenical service in St. Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare. ‘ Celebrating St. Brigid. Brigid 1500: A Service of Thanksgiving’. The service will mark the Feast Day of St. Brigid and the 1,500th anniversary of her death, through music, prayer and worship.  The thanksgiving service will be co-led by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Kildare and Leighlin, Most Rev Denis Nulty sand the Church of Ireland Bishop of Meath and Kildare Most Rev. Patricia Storey. The preacher will be Rev. Canon Dr. Alison Joyce, the Rector of St. Bride’s Church, Fleet Street in London.  All are warmly welcome to attend. No booking required.

‘Inextinguishable’ by Greg Hallahan Celebrating Brigid 1500

Location: Solas Bhride Cetre, Kildare Town Welcome to "Inextinguishable," an art exhibition where I celebrate the spirit of Brigid using recycled cardboard as my canvas. Brigid, a revered figure in Irish culture, holds a special place in our hearts, making her influence truly 'inextinguishable.' My artworks, crafted from recycled double corrugated cardboard, breathe new life into this common material sourced from shops, stores, and even friends and family. By using this everyday material, I aim to recycle and reintegrate it into the very idea of transport, as seen in cardboard boxes moving products. This process also symbolically connects with the myths and stories of Brigid and Saint Bridget. As you explore the exhibition, you'll notice the sculptural presence of the artwork in space. Playing with inner and outer surfaces, it beckons the viewer closer and pushes them away, creating a dynamic engagement. To me, the connection between the structures and the material is profound – both hidden in plain sight, often taken for granted, yet possessing an inner power and beauty that deserves recognition. Come witness the fusion of myth, material, and art in a celebration of Brigid's enduring significance. If you have any queries about the work or if you are looking for pricing, please contact Greg on any of the following below: [email protected] instagram@greg_hallahan_art 0851509314

Cross Weaving Workshops

Brigid’s crosses are the most common and enduring tradition associated with Brigid. Presenters: Solas Bhríde TeamVenue:  Solas Bhríde Spirituality CentreTime: 10.00 a.m – 11.30 a.m. Admission: FREE Conas Cros Bhríde a fhí   Sa cheardlann seo beidh seans ag daoine foghlaim conas Cros Bhríde a fhí. (People will have the opportunity to learn to weave the cross through Irish)

Unveiling of ‘A New Dress for St Brigid’ Sculpture

Where: Kildare Town Heritage Centre, Market Square, Kidlare Town When: Thursday 1st February 2024 ( The Sculpture will be on display until Monday 5th February 2024) THIS IS A FREE EVENT DETAILS: Come and visit our sculpture 'A New Dress for St Brigid' in front of Kildare Town Heritage Centre on February 1st at 10:00am. The sculpture will be on display outside from 1st until 5th February from 10:00am until 4:00pm. On Bank Holiday Monday 5th February, you can meet the makers as they will run a series of workshops including Raw Wool Craft, Cordage Making, Needle Work, St Brigid Cross and Brídego making . No doubt there will be stories of St Brigid and the ancient crafts related to her journey to date. Monday 5th February 2024 Workshop Timetable: 11:00 am - St. Brigid Cross/Brídeog Doll Making 12:00 pm - Needle Work 1:00 pm - Storytelling 2:00 pm - Raw Wool Finger Spinning 3:00 pm - Natural Cordage/Hapa Zome  For any further questions please email: [email protected]

Create your own Brat Bríde!

Join artist Aoife Cawley for a workshop in which you will design your own Brat Bríde by upcycling fabric and textiles. On the eve of St. Brigid's Day, a Brat Bhríde is put outside and left out overnight. It is said that Brigid is supposed to come during the night and bless these pieces of fabric . It is said that she gives the cloth healing and protective properties. In this workshop, we will use upcycled materials to create our own Brat Brídes and decorate them using printmaking and embroidery. Open to adults of all skill levels. Maximum 15 Adults. Time: 11am – 4pm Location: Leixlip Library Book Now – Brat Bríde – Printmaking and Embroidery Workshop – Leixlip Community Library, Thu 1 Feb 2024 11:00 - 16:00 (

Pause for Peace

Join us in a global Pause for Peace.  Join us in a global Pause for Peace. The Pause for Peace movement invites people from around the world to stop and pause for 1 minute’s silence/reflection with the aim of forming a spirit of solidarity and peace in societies all over the globe.Time: 12.00 local time - St. Brigid’s day, February 1st.

Women in Business are celebrating Brigid 1500

Featuring guest speaker and best selling author of 'Poor' Dr. Katriona O'Sullivan Booking Link: :

Storytelling and craft workshop for children

Location: Maynooth Library Join Storyteller Helena Byrne for a fin & interactive afternoon of stories , crafts and games as we learn all about the myth , magic and legend of Brigid and the many incredible superstitions connected with the Goddess and Saint. Suitable for ages 7+. All children attending this event must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Book your free ticket here : Group: Library Service

Brigid 1500 Storytelling & Craft Workshop for ages 5+

Location: Athy Library Join Michelle in Athy library for a fun & interactive afternoon of stories and a sensory St. Brigid's cross craft. Suitable for ages 5 +. All children attending this event must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Max 12 children.Book your place by emailing [email protected] or calling on 045 980 555

St Brigid’s Day Workshop For Children

Age range: 10 years up – intergenerational family or friends (accompanied by an adult) In our Imbolc Letterpress workshop we create bookmarks, postcards or mini prints with our poetry or words inspired by Imbolc and St Brigid. We can think about our intentions for family and the world around us by setting intentions for biodiversity and ecological integrity. The workshop is designed around intergenerational groups of 3-4 working collaboratively on a composition. Using vintage metal type on a mobile 1942 Adana letterpress, we set the type upside down and backwards, to print a short line from a poem, a phase or word or verse which represent your intentions for the year ahead.Book your Free ticket here: Reserve Tickets – St Brigid’s Day Imbolc Letterpress Workshop with Angelina Foster – Newbridge Library, Thu Feb 1, 2024 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM ( Group: Library Service Location: Newbridge

Hill of Allen

Into Kildare, the tourism board for County Kildare plans to light up the hill of Allen again this year to celebrate St.Brigid on the eve of Brigid 1500. This hill is the highest in County Kildare; as part of this year's festivities to celebrate the patron saint of Kildare, St.Brigid, the Tower and the Hill of Allen will remain lit until midnight on 31st January and then again from 6 pm on 1st February. 

Altan le Ceolfhoireann RTE

Altan le Ceolfhoireann RTE, St. Brigid’s Cathedral, Kildare Town.  Booking via Eventbrite.

Nothing Compares – In Concert

A night of extraordinary, genre-spanning music by Irish women in association with Hot Press. Line-up: Imelda May, HamsandwicH, Camille O'Sullivan, Niamh Regan, Nell Mescal and Laura Whitmore as MCLocation: The Moat Theatre, NaasTime: 8pm Tickets for this year’s ticketed events go on sale at 8am on Tuesday, January 9th, via